Innovative solutions for the health of your business


Problems I can help with

Cliffs of Moher

Artificial Intelligence

Deployment strategies, assessments, and roadmaps to seamlessly integrate AI tools into your company.

Cliffs of Moher

Commercial Strategy

Strategic analysis and go-to-market planning to meet your customers' needs.

Cliffs of Moher

Process Improvement

Six sigma methodologies to help create the right tools, processes, and resources for growth.

Bearded business executive

Andy Carroll

AI innovator
Six Sigma Black Belt

My name is Andy and I'm here to help transform your business with AI.

With over 20 years of experience in commercial leadership and innovation, I am passionate about using voice of the customer data and the latest AI technologies to delight customers and maximize operational efficiency. 

Slainte (‘slawn-cha’) operates at the intersection of innovation and strategy to support the health of your business.

Specialties include strategic and technical deployment of AI solutions, AI readiness assessments and roadmaps, go-to-market strategy, team training and development, and six sigma process improvement.

Book a free consult

We offer a free 30 minute consultation to help bring AI strategy and innovation to your business.

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